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100% ready for university

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SACEi graduate Thomas is studying Advanced Computing at the University of Sydney.

Thomas studied the SACE at Guangzhou Weiming School in People’s Republic of China. Read how his studies gave him a head-start at university.

Our School Network | Case study | Thomas | Story

Thomas' story

Starting university was easy
SACE has broadened my horizons and has changed my perspective of the world. When I started university, I felt 100% ready. 

Although university courses are more advanced than what I have studied in high school, some of the first university assignments were not really that challenging compared to the SACE assignments. I used to finish assignments way ahead of the deadline. Now, as I'm advancing in university, the work is getting more and more complex. (However), I am on top of every single task I need to do and I can manage all of them just fine.

University-ready skills
I learned many useful skills in SACE but the three I found the most useful are:

  • persuasive techniques: We are required to write our university reports in a persuasive way. I found (these skills) quite useful to write reports about data analysis.
  • presentation skills: I am so grateful that I did presentation assessments in high school. This skill really helps me a lot now as I am required to do presentations in university
  • teamwork: In the SACE many tasks required us to work as a team. Now, in university, I'm asked to work with others all the time, something I'm used to as a SACE student.

A smooth transition
The assessments and exams I do now in university are very similar to the ones I did in SACE. They are similar in how they are designed and evaluated. This made the transition process from high school to university to be very smooth and sometimes unnoticeable.