Stage 1 | Subject outline | Version control

Modern History Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in August 2017 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2018.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking is integral to the historical inquiry process. Students consider the implications of missing or contestable information in their investigation of historical topics. Through their historical inquiry, students extend their skills in posing thoughtful questions; selecting, interrogating, and cross-referencing sources; and developing interpretations based on an assessment of the evidence and how it was constructed, and on reasoning. Students analyse, evaluate, and synthesise alternative interpretations and representations of the past. They think critically about who wrote or recorded histories, whose histories have been told, whose histories have not been included and why, and new spaces in which histories can now be told and heard.