Navigation Menu
Site Map
Teaching the SACE
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Professional learning
- Assessment
- Resulting and Schools Online
Coordinating the SACE
Getting started
- Getting ready for end of year
- Key dates
- My school details
- Assessment groups - Stage 2 (01)
- Eligibility for enrolment - English as an Additional Language (04)
- Eligibility for enrolment - languages at beginners level (05)
- Eligibility for enrolment - languages at continuers level (06)
- Modified subjects (17)
- Overseas students - fees (19)
- Registration - students and schools (22)
- Registration of students (25)
- Research Project - student re-enrolment (26)
- Rules of assessment for students (31)
- School categories (33)
- Subject enrolment (43)
- Transfer — students (45)
- Stage 2 subject preclusions (56)
- Learning and assessment plans - Stage 1 and Stage 2 (57)
- Special provisions
- Breach of rules (03)
- Improving - results reports for schools (10)
- Leaving school at the end of Semester 1 (15)
- Results - Semester 1 (27)
- Results submission - Stage 1 (28)
- Results submission - VET (30)
- Stage 1 and Stage 2 results (41)
- Results sheets and online submission – Stage 2 final moderation (50)
- Results sheets and online submission – Stage 2 investigations (51)
- Results sheets - Stage 2 predicted results (52)
- Stage 1 moderation
Stage 2 moderation
- Introduction
- FAQs
- Definitions
- Assumptions
- Roles and responsibilities
- Confidentiality and security
- Moderation procedures
- Moderator review guidelines
- Supervisor review guidelines
- Guidelines for confirming and adjusting results
- Quality assurance
- Online moderation workflow and Review guidelines
- Printable version
- Variations - moderation materials (55)
- Packaging materials
- Exams
- Recognition in the SACE
- Forms
- Schools Online
- Marketing toolkit
- VET and recognised learning
- Electronic assessment
- Special provisions
Getting started
Studying the SACE
Your SACE journey
What is the SACE?
- What is Students Online?
- Exploring your capabilities
- Year 10
- Stage 1 (Year 11)
- Stage 2 (Year 12)
- Adult entry
- Interstate and overseas students
- Planning beyond SACE
Student stories
- 2022
- Akuol’s journey is no longer to find water, but a pathway into law
- Darcy’s SACE selection transports her onto the land she loves
- Gabrielle ahead of the game by including VET as part of her SACE
- Jamieson finds strength in supporting others
- Tahlia is dedicated to her goal of becoming a teacher
- Rural Ambassador Will has his eye on the goal
- Wissam’s experiences help her to rise above the challenges
- AFL dream on the horizon for Blayne
- COVID-19 no barrier to SACE success for David
- Perseverance pays off for determined Georgia
- Refugee survivor Ilhal enjoys SACE success
- Resilient Jessica navigates through illness and COVID-19
- A rollercoaster ride for school captain Kailem
- Soaring success for Kirilly
- Leticia overcomes turbulent Year 12
- Unforgettable year for school leader Meenakshi
- COVID-19 no distraction for focused Michael
- Never giving up the key to Saalik’s success
- Resilient Nevie overcomes COVID-19 challenges
- PE passion for Oscar
- Resilient Tonya fulfils Year 12 dream and becomes a mum
- Baker extraordinaire Zoe creates delicious gift packs for older residents in COVID-19 lockdown
- Learning French a labour of love for Cicillia
- Callum aiming for the Commandos
- Community supporting Steph’s veterinary dream
- Tenacious Shari turning her SACE dream into reality
- David’s long distance journey to complete SACE
- Selfless sacrifice pays off for Hyacinthe
- AJ a perfect role model
- Cassie defies odds to complete her SACE
- 2018
What is the SACE?
- Aboriginal Studies
- Accounting
- Activating Identities and Futures
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Production
- Agricultural Systems
- Ancient Studies
- Arabic (continuers)
- Armenian (continuers)
- Auslan (continuers)
- Australian Languages — Additional Language
- Australian Languages — Revival Language
- Australian Languages — First Language
- Bengali (continuers)
- Biology
- Bosnian (continuers)
- Business and Enterprise
- Business Innovation
- Chemistry
- Child Studies
- Chinese (background speakers)
- Chinese (beginners)
- Chinese (continuers)
- Chin Hakha (continuers)
- Community Connections
- Community Studies
- Creative Arts
- Croatian (continuers)
- Cross-disciplinary Studies
- Dance
- Design, Technology and Engineering
- Digital Technologies
- Drama
- Dutch (continuers)
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Economics
- English
- English as an Additional Language
- English Literary Studies
- Essential English
- Essential Mathematics
- Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF)
- Filipino (continuers)
- Food and Hospitality
- French (beginners)
- French (continuers)
- General Mathematics
- Geography
- German (beginners)
- German (continuers)
- Health and Wellbeing
- Hebrew (continuers)
- Hindi (continuers)
- Hungarian (continuers)
- Indonesian (background speakers)
- Indonesian (beginners)
- Indonesian (continuers)
- Industry Connections
- Information Processing and Publishing
- Integrated Learning
- Italian (beginners)
- Italian (continuers)
- Japanese (background speakers)
- Japanese (beginners)
- Japanese (continuers)
- Karen (continuers)
- Khmer (continuers)
- Korean (background speakers)
- Korean (beginners)
- Korean (continuers)
- Language and Culture
- Languages (national continuers)
- Legal Studies
- Mathematical Methods
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Modern Greek (beginners)
- Modern Greek (continuers)
- Modern History
- Modified Subjects
- Music
- Music Explorations
- Music Performance – Ensemble
- Music Performance – Solo
- Music Studies
- Nepali (continuers)
- Nutrition
- Outdoor Education
- Persian (continuers)
- Personal Learning Plan
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Polish (continuers)
- Politics, Power and People
- Portuguese (continuers)
- Psychology
- Punjabi (continuers)
- Research Practices
- Research Project
- Russian (continuers)
- Scientific Studies
- Serbian (continuers)
- Sinhala (continuers)
- Society and Culture
- Spanish (beginners)
- Spanish (continuers)
- Specialist Mathematics
- Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning
- Swedish (continuers)
- Tamil (continuers)
- Tourism
- Turkish (continuers)
- Vietnamese (background speakers)
- Vietnamese (continuers)
- Visual Arts — Art
- Visual Arts — Design
- Women's Studies
- Workplace Practices
- VET and recognised learning
- Exams
- Results
- Help and support
Your SACE journey
- Innovating the SACE
Teaching the SACE
- Professional Learning: Activating Identities and Futures (AIF)
- Principals' Forums
- SACE coordinators information sessions
- Merit Ceremony
Art Show
- 2024 Art Show Online Gallery
- 2023 Art Show
2022 Art Show
Online gallery
- Award winning work
Art work
- Agnese Rumpe
- Alana Kang
- Alexandra Matters
- Amanda Krause
- Amelia Taylor
- Angelique Ogierman
- Anna Blatchford
- Anoushka Toh
- Arantza Garcia
- Ashton Lodge
- Bridie Messent
- Brooke Boughen
- Chantell Saunders
- Charlotte Kenning
- Chelsea McLean
- Chloe Lea Sawford
- Claire Jaksa
- Elise Capasso
- Ella Frew
- Emma Harrison
- Emma Thompson
- Esther Cheng
- Gemma Klose
- Gemma Murdock
- Georgia Murray
- Giorgia Rogante
- Grace Bennet
- Isla Scruby
- Jakeb Lambden
- Jasmine Meldrum
- Jess McPherson
- Jesse Thomson
- Jordan Miller
- Jordan Thomson
- Jordan Williams
- Karina Beutenmuller
- Kiara Dorey
- Lily Newby
- Lily Pearl 1
- Lily Pearl 2
- Lily Sayer
- Lucy Head
- Meghan Lau
- Mia Ambrosini
- Mia Guzej
- Mia Maurici
- Mikaela Somers
- Naomi Bache 1
- Naomi Bache 2
- Niamh Breen
- Oliver Carr
- Olivia Pitman
- Owen Hilander
- Rubi-Jean Moulton
- Ruby Kitto
- Samantha Bahag
- Shikyla Brakenridge
- Sihui Ouyang
- Sinead Schubert
- Stella Ahrens
- Tabitha Zdanowics
- Tegan Parker
- Whitney Cheffirs
- Xinyue (Selina) Wang
- Zoelene Cook
Design work
- Alana Fitzsimmons
- Aleesha Vidler
- Alice Shan
- Allicia Capelle
- Anonymous student
- Antakiya Toubia
- Byron Ashfield-Smith
- Caitlin Stark
- Chelsea Pace
- Courtney Van Geel
- Ella Bennet
- Ella Dallimore
- Elsie Guidera
- Erin Clements
- Fynn Darby
- Helen Wan
- Hilary Swanson
- Holly Arnold
- Jack Manning
- Jemha Dimas
- Jessie Cotton
- Lottie Dolman
- Matt Mojares
- Mikaylah King
- Miles Potter
- Oliver Birchby
- Olivia Power
- Paige Taylor
- Riordan Cassidy
- Rosie Golding
- Ruby Sugars
- Shauna Little
- Sophie Couldrey
- Sophie Field
- Tahlia Drogemuller
- Ursula Clarke
- Zara Matteo
Online gallery
- 2021 Art Show
2020 Art Show
Online gallery
- Award winning work
Art work
- Al-Ani, Ghena
- Alderson, Rebecca
- Azevedo, Reuben
- Bateman, Alyssa
- Bellardino, Natalie
- Belotti, Brooke
- Bhara, Jaswant
- Black, Belle
- Blenkion, Lucy
- Brennan, Gemma
- Brown, Ebony
- Brown, Lucy
- Bruno, Jessica
- Cale, Ellyn
- Carzo, Chiara
- Ciancio, Harry
- Cicchiello, Stephanie
- Cirocco, Samuel
- Colclough, Bethany
- Crawford, Kezieh
- Crouch, Ruby
- Dare, Claudia
- Dayrit, Kristine
- Deacon, Ruby
- Dean, Annabelle
- Dennis, Sarah
- Dixon, Tasman
- Douglass, Josephine
- Edwards, Shyann
- Emmett, Isabel
- Farrell, Isabell
- Flannagan, Lilly
- Flemming, Hamish
- Fuller, Chloe
- Furbank-Meyer, Orion
- Gavini, Emma
- Geddes, Dan
- Gong, Jenny
- Gu, Ben
- Guo, MengJia
- Haslett, Emmy
- Heinrich, Leila
- Higgins, Chelsea
- Holton, Bethia
- Hunt, Kerri
- Ifould, Lucy
- Jones, Mikaela
- Kittel, Lara
- Klaric, Mia
- Klinger, Melody
- Kothe, Phoebe
- Krikke, Brad
- Kuerschner, Claudia
- Lau, Kaelyn
- Laycock, Chloe
- Leak, Ella
- Lock, Jordan
- Maggs, William
- Malthouse, Kenneth
- Manuel, Lily
- May, Alexandra
- McFeat, Angus
- McMahon, Paige
- Meekins, Charlotte
- Mignanelli,Jessica
- Moulton, Ebonie
- Murphy, Rosy
- Norelli, Natalia
- Norman, Barrie
- Oats, Zachary
- Oliver, Danielle
- Rebner, Kayla
- Reynold Chapa, Jessica
- Rowe, Sarah
- Schumacher, Sybella
- Semmens, Anna
- Stringer, Shea
- Teubner, Adela
- Van der Linden, Sarah
- Verhulst, Kimberley
- Waters, Emma
- Watts, Darcy
- Weniton, Tia
- White, Hayley
- Wilcox, Mikayla
- Williams, Anastasia
- Williams, Ruby
- Wilson, Emily
Design work
- Aland, Jemima
- Abraham, Lucy
- Anderson, Georgia
- Barbaro, Isabella
- Briones, Wilfred
- Clare, Mitchell
- Cozens, Rilee
- Doherty, Caitlin
- Dullona, Ceska
- Farmilo, Samuel
- Fielke, Victoria
- Gerhardy, Ellie
- Ielasi Luca
- Jenkin, Chloe
- Jones, Alexander
- Keane, Isabelle
- LaFosse, Franca
- Loprete, Samuel
- Luthra, Anchal
- Mahwinney, Megan
- Mason, Isabel
- Matthias, Annabelle
- Morris, Georgia
- Nash, Elijah
- Padbury, Matilda
- Panozzo, Leo
- Ruggiero, Luca
- Sexton, Jack
- Sloan, Alene
- Sloman Smith, Abbey
- Stewart, Alessia
- Suica, Thiana
- Meet the artist
Online gallery
- Past galleries
- Calendars
- About